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Atlanta South
Case Study

Our use of music, voice messaging and digital signage has strengthened our relationship with our customers.

About Atlanta South Gastroenterology

At Atlanta South Gastroenterology, the team’s main goals are to provide patients with the best possible preventative and therapeutic digestive care and exceed expectations at every opportunity. The practice was opened in 1984 by Dr. David M. Martin.

The Challenge

Atlanta South partnered with Mood to determine whether using music, on-hold messaging and digital signage would improve the quality of service and overall experience for patients.

The Approach

Mood worked with Atlanta South to evaluate their specific goals for each aspect of the patient experience. The team selected music to create a calm and soothing environment throughout the offices. For on-hold messaging, the goal was to increase awareness for recommended check-ups and common procedures, offer gentle reminders to schedule appointments when applicable and reinforce general practice policies. For digital signage, Atlanta South wanted to encourage acknowledgment and compliance and leverage the power of visual communication to educate patients using illustrations from Dr. Martin’s medical textbook and further emphasize key policies, such as medical insurance acceptance, no-show policies and after-hours care.

The Result

“We couldn’t be happier with our services, and our patients couldn’t be either,” said Donna Flippin, Practice Administrator for Atlanta South Gastroenterology. “Our use of music, voice messaging and digital signage has strengthened our relationship with our customers. Patient communication and engagement is so very important,” said Donna. “I can’t imagine going back to running an office without these services.”


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