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Protect Privacy & Increase Productivity

Cambridge Sound Masking Dealer

Speech Privacy, White Noise, Ambient Noise System – no matter what it’s called, Sound Masking is a sound management technology designed to reduce the intelligibility of human speech. Sound masking is the process of adding background sound to protect speech privacy and reduce distractions.


Sound Masking is a silent hero in the healthcare industry, and its applications are invaluable. Leverage Sound Masking throughout your facility to:

  • Ensure greater privacy and confidentiality for patients and staff (HIPAA Compliance)
  • Reduce perception of noises
  • Improve quality of sleep for patients
  • Create a more focused and productive work environment for staff
  • Elevate the experience at your facility


Maintain client confidentiality and bolster GLBA compliance. Reduce the intelligibility of speech and impact of noises to improve employee performance and reduce mistakes. It all adds up to a greater level of service, a more efficient workforce and a better customer experience.


Open floor plans are great for employee interaction and team building, but not so much for reducing noise and ensuring privacy.

That’s where Sound Masking comes in. These discreet systems gently cover up noise and boost speech privacy.

With less noise, your employees will be less distracted, helping you keep productivity high.

How Does It Work?

Sound masking is specifically engineered to match the frequencies of human speech and sound comfortable to the human ear. It does not cancel sound or eliminate all speech noise in an environment. Instead, sound masking simply reduces how far away conversations can be heard and understood by others.

The Affordable Way to Make Great Acoustics

Panels, walls and carpets and other physical materials and fixtures can be used to reduce noises and improve privacy. But with a professionally-installed Sound Masking system, you can create great acoustics without breaking the bank.

Not Just For Healthcare And Financial

If noise reduction and speech privacy are a need, then Sound Masking is right for you.

  • Libraries and schools
  • Research labs
  • Hotel rooms and conference centers
  • Airport lounges
  • Law offices and courtrooms

And much more!


Elevate your Customer Experience through the power of Systems Solutions.

Get in touch with us today to find out what our solutions can do for your business.