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Automotive Industry Solutions

Your trusted automotive on-premise media provider.

From autobody and repair shops to parts retailers and car dealerships of all sizes, we’re proud to fuel brand loyalty and accelerate sales for automotive brands around the globe.

Count on our expertise, robust platforms, and dedicated account management tailored to meet the specific needs of the automotive industry.

Contact us today for more information.

Serving the Automotive Industry

Serving thousands of automotive businesses globally, we have the expertise and solutions to help you motivate customer behavior, drive sales, and build brand loyalty.

Automotive Customer Experience Solutions

Digital Signage for Automotive

From digital menus and video walls, to custom TV stations in the waiting room, we craft visual experiences tailored to enhance consumer engagement, making each experience more compelling for brands in the automotive industry. LEARN MORE

Music for Automotive

Enhance your brand and craft emotionally resonant customer experiences with our fully-licensed, commercial-free music tailored for business in the automotive industry. LEARN MORE

Audio Messaging for Automotive

Seize every opportunity and turn your brand voice into part of the automotive customer experience through a compelling audio messaging strategy that boosts sales and engagement. LEARN MORE

AV Systems for Automotive

Mood brings you dependable audiovisual solutions tailored for the automotive industry. From conceptualization and installation to local service and support, we’re with you at every turn to ensure seamless performance. LEARN MORE

Scent Marketing for Automotive

Go beyond the pine tree by giving your business that “new car scent.” Build a comfortable atmosphere and cover unwanted odors with custom scent solutions. LEARN MORE

Get in touch with us today to find out what our solutions can do for your business.

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未来を動かす 自動車小売業における感覚体験の変革的役割消費者が体験を重視し、パーソナライズされた魅力的なブランド・インタラクションを求める時代において、自動車小売業界は岐路に立たされている。 デジタル技術の進歩や消費者の移り変わりによって購買行動が進化し続ける中、世界中の自動車ディーラーやメーカーは、消費者の期待に応えるだけでなく、それを上回るよう適応しなければならない。 ディーラーは、利幅の縮小、顧客の期待の変化、新規顧客獲得の必要性、技術の進歩への対応など、いくつかの課題に直面している。...

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顧客は常に最新の情報を入手できる車載用デジタルサイネージディーラーや自動車サービスセンターでの待ち時間が長いと、利用者は不機嫌になり、協力的でなくなります。そのため、自動車ビジネスでは、ディーラーのデジタルサイネージを強化するオーディオ/ビジュアルソリューションに注目する必要があります。 近年、高品質かつ手頃な価格のビデオディスプレイが入手可能になったことで、退屈な時間や待ち時間の認識を減らし、顧客体験に付加価値を与えることができるようになりました。...

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