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Hospitality Industry Solutions

Your trusted on-premise hotel media provider. Even if they stay for only a day, creating a memorable guest experience is crucial to building brand loyalty.

With our suite of solutions for the hotel and hospitality industry, you can increase return visits and customer satisfaction by providing your guests with an unforgettable guest experience.

Our robust platforms, dedicated account management, and years of expertise are ready to meet the specific needs of the hospitality industry.

Contact us today for more information.

Serving the Hospitality Industry

We cater to hundreds of hospitality and hotel brands, offering both the knowledge and solutions to inspire guest engagement and foster brand loyalty.

Guest Experience Solutions

We are the global leader in providing on-premise media solutions that allow you to improve efficiency and maintain consistency across your entire footprint. With our suite of solutions, we are your single point of contact for centralised content control and brand compliance for your entire franchise.

Hotel Digital Signage

Elevate the guest experience by integrating digital signage, like check-in kiosks, wayfinding displays, and employee communications to streamline services and enhance overall guest satisfaction. LEARN MORE

Music For Hotels

Create deeper connections to your guests with background music for hotels to create an inviting ambiance, evoke emotions, and tailor the atmosphere to enhance overall comfort and satisfaction. LEARN MORE

Audio Messaging for Hotels

Utilize on-site messaging to provide information and promotions, while employing on-hold messaging to entertain and inform callers, reinforcing your brand identity. LEARN MORE

Hotel AV Systems

Optimize the guest experience with dependable AV systems. With commercial-grade equipment and reliable local service and installation, you never have to worry about the quality of your guest experience. LEARN MORE

Scent Marketing For Hotels

Create a welcoming atmosphere with carefully curated fragrances that promote comfort, leaving a lasting impression and enhancing overall satisfaction. LEARN MORE

Get in touch with us today to find out what our solutions can do for your business.

Hospitality Resources

12 základů efektivní hotelové hudby

12 základů efektivní hotelové hudby

12 základů Efektivní hotelová hudbaHudba, kterou pouštíte ve svém hotelu, je mnohem víc než jen nezbytným prvkem atmosféry, kterou se snažíte vytvořit. Při správném provedení může být hotelová hudba mocným nástrojem, který vám pomůže zaujmout vaši jedinečnou klientelu...

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3 základy úspěchu v pohostinství v roce 2021 – a dále

3 základy úspěchu v pohostinství v roce 2021 – a dále

3 základy pro úspěch v pohostinství v roce 2021 - a dále Není pochyb o tom, že pohostinství čeká v roce 2020 extrémně náročné období. Vysoká míra neobsazenosti se možná stala v posledních měsících normou u stávajících nemovitostí, ale zároveň nejambicióznější značky...

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