Insights & Trends
Our industry experts provide insights, tips and best practices on music for business, digital signage, on-hold and in-store messaging, scent marketing, and AV system solutions to help your business boost sales, build loyalty, and Elevate the Customer Experience.
Latest Insights
Integrated Systems Europe 2024: Innovations and Insights
Integrated Systems Europe 2024: Innovations and InsightsISE is always an exciting event in our calendar, and this year did not disappoint with some fantastic innovations and big moves from a whole host of brands and newcomers to the industry. The 2024 event certainly...
Future of Retail: Key Takeaways from NRF 2024
Crystal Ball Gaze into the Future of Retail: Key Takeaways from NRF 2024The energy was electric at NRF: 2024 Retail's Big Show. The National Retail Federation (NRF), is one of the largest retail conferences in the world — a hot spot for industry titans and innovators...
How Retailers Can Maximise The Potential of Black Friday
How Retailers Can Maximise The Potential of Black FridayBlack Friday has become the busiest shopping day of the year, and is now a major event in the calendar of many retailers and consumers throughout the world. However, the term ‘Black Friday’ isn’t in its infancy...
Evolution of the Store 1940-1999
THE EVOLUTION OF THE STORE - 1940-19991940 – 1999The Dawn of the Consumer Society The end of the Second World War and the return of "freedom of movement" saw the beginning of the modern consumer society we know today. Combine that with employment on the rise and a...
Unmasking Halloween’s Retail Potential
Unmasking Halloween's Retail Potential: A Sensorial Customer Journey To Support Halloween Products And PromotionsIn the bustling world of retail, Halloween is a true powerhouse of an opportunity just waiting to creep out from the darkness. As the leaves turn, the air...
Top Resources
Sustainability in Retail
SUSTAINABILITY IN RETAILConsumers are expecting moreOur 2021 Shopper Sentiments Study revealed that 67% of consumers worldwide declare it is important to them that the brands they shop are committed to being environmentally friendly.In equal measure, 66%, shoppers...
3 baze pentru succesul în ospitalitate în 2021 – și dincolo
3 fundamente pentru succesul în domeniul ospitalității în 2021 - și dincolo de acesta Nu există nicio îndoială că industria ospitalității se confruntă cu o perioadă extrem de provocatoare în 2020. Este posibil ca locurile libere ridicate să fi devenit norma în...
6 pași pentru o semnalizare digitală eficientă a restaurantului
6 pași pentru o semnalizare digitală eficientă a restaurantuluiCând vine vorba de industriile de servicii alimentare, semnalizarea digitală pentru restaurante nu este doar pentru QSR și Fast Casual. De fapt, restaurantele cu servicii complete de toate tipurile și...
7 Ingredients For A Better Restaurant Experience
7 Ingredients For A Better Restaurant ExperienceIf there’s one primary take away from this article, it’s this: The ultimate goal of the restaurant experience is to create memories that customers want to repeat and share.Read it again. Say it out loud. Let it simmer to...
A Guide To Music For Restaurants
A GUIDE TO MUSIC FOR RESTAURANTS Why Adding Music to Your Restaurant is a Smart Business MoveDo you remember the last time you visited a restaurant without music playing in the background? Neither do we. Music is such a staple in the restaurant industry we don’t even...
Music Licensing For Businesses In Europe: The Importance Of Proper Licensing
MUSIC LICENSING FOR BUSINESSES IN EUROPE: THE IMPORTANCE OF PROPER LICENSING So you want to play music in your business? Great! But before you reach for that AUX cord, make sure you’re legally covered.A lot of people assume that it’s okay to play music off of your...
Scent Marketing For Hotels
SCENT MARKETING FOR HOTELS Keep guests comfortable and coming back by creating emotional connections with scent marketing.What Is Scent Marketing? Scent marketing is a strategy that uses fragrance to create a specific atmosphere, evoke emotions, and enhance brand...
How Does Digital Signage Work?
HOW DIGITAL SIGNAGE WORKS The what, the how, and the why behind Digital Signage SoftwareIf you've ever walked into a store or a restaurant and seen digital screens displaying content, you've witnessed digital signage in action. Digital signage is a technology that has...
Evolution of the Store – 1800-1899
THE EVOLUTION OF THE STORE - 1800-18991800 – 1899The Age of Independence The 19th century represents the first revolution in the history of retail stores and the customer experience. With the advent of the department store, the retail consumer acquired a sense of...
Eurovision 2023
EUROVISION 2023Ceea ce a început ca un experiment tehnic în domeniul televiziunii, una dintre primele încercări de a transmite un eveniment televizat în direct către o mare audiență internațională, a devenit unul dintre cele mai îndrăgite evenimente din Europa,...
Inspirational Women In Music
INSPIRATIONAL WOMEN IN MUSIC The music industry is continuously evolving, with more and more powerful women coming to the forefront, but it wasn’t always so welcoming towards female recording artists. In the early 20th century, many women were barred from performing...
Cele mai importante evenimente de la ISE 2023: Tendințe, tehnologie și inovații
CELE MAI IMPORTANTE MOMENTE DE LA ISE 2023: TENDINȚE, TEHNOLOGIE ȘI INOVAȚII În timp ce ușile se închid la un alt eveniment ISE fantastic, reflectăm asupra celor mai importante momente.Acesta a fost cel de-al treilea an în care ISE s-a desfășurat în noul său sediu din...
Top Music Genres for Business
TOP MUSIC GENRES FOR BUSINESS: CHOOSING THE RIGHT SOUND TO BRING YOUR BRAND TO LIFE. The music you choose to play can speak volumes about your brand. What is your business saying?Close your eyes and think of a bank, or a fine dining restaurant, or a high-end clothing...
Christmas Songs Around the World You Might Not Have Heard
CHRISTMAS SONGS AROUND THE WORLD YOU MIGHT NOT HAVE HEARDWhen it comes to holiday music, there are usually two types of people: those who crank up the classics the second Halloween is out of the way, and those who listen to anything but for the duration of the season....
What Does the Metaverse Mean for Retail?
WHAT DOES THE METAVERSE MEAN FOR RETAIL? It may be the talk of the town right now, but many people are still confused about, and in some cases extremely wary of, the metaverse. So what exactly is this mysterious concept and what does it mean for the future of retail...
The Bigger Story Behind Black Friday
THE BIGGER STORY BEHIND BLACK FRIDAY Do you know the real history behind Black Friday? Most people believe that the name originates from the idea of stores moving from “in the red” meaning in debt, to in the black, meaning turning a profit. If that’s the origin you’re...
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Top Music Genres for Business
TOP MUSIC GENRES FOR BUSINESS: CHOOSING THE RIGHT SOUND TO BRING YOUR BRAND TO LIFE. The music you choose to play can speak volumes about your brand. What is your business saying?Close your eyes and think of a bank, or a fine dining restaurant, or a high-end clothing...
5 Best Practices For Using Digital Signage To Support Internal Communications
5 BEST PRACTICES FOR USING DIGITAL SIGNAGE TO SUPPORT INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS The traditional cork board in the break room covered in outdated, tattered and overlooked notices is a thing of the past. Brands across industries now employ digital signage to support and...
Is Your In-store Experience Killing Your Profits?
IS YOUR IN-STORE EXPERIENCE KILLING YOUR PROFITS? Did you know that 90% of shoppers say they’re more likely to revisit a brick & mortar business if the music, visuals and scent create an enjoyable atmosphere? Sensory marketing is about creating an experience that...
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Industry Resources
How to Elevate the Patient Experience with Healthcare Music
How To Elevate The Patient Experience With MusicOne of the biggest mistakes you can make in your patient experience is to think of your healthcare music as a mere commodity for keeping staff happy and filling the air in your waiting room.Rather, music is an essential...
How To Improve The Patient Experience with Healthcare Digital Signage
How To Improve The Patient Experience With Healthcare Digital SignageAs we mention in the 6 Keys to a Better Patient Experience, Healthcare Digital Signage is no longer a trend. Rather, it has become a proven tool that more healthcare providers are leveraging to...
12 elemente esențiale ale unei muzici hoteliere eficiente
12 elemente esențiale ale Muzică eficientă pentru hotelMuzica pe care o puneți la hotelul dumneavoastră este mult mai mult decât un element necesar pentru ambianța pe care doriți să o creați. Atunci când este executată în mod corect, muzica pentru hoteluri poate fi un...
3 baze pentru succesul în ospitalitate în 2021 – și dincolo
3 fundamente pentru succesul în domeniul ospitalității în 2021 - și dincolo de acesta Nu există nicio îndoială că industria ospitalității se confruntă cu o perioadă extrem de provocatoare în 2020. Este posibil ca locurile libere ridicate să fi devenit norma în...
Hospitality AV: How to Find the Right System For Your Property
HOSPITALITY AUDIOVISUAL: HOW TO FIND THE RIGHT SYSTEM FOR YOUR PROPERTYYour AV system probably isn’t the first thing you think of when it comes to elevating your guest experience – and understandably. However, the truth is that hospitality audiovisual systems play a...
Background Music in Hospitality
Background Music in Hospitality Audio branding is a core element of the guest experience, and it's an essential tool for connecting with guests on a deeper, more emotional level. From custom background music mixes to ambient soundscapes,professional hotel music is...
How To Create Lasting Guest Loyalty with a Multi-sensory Hotel Experience
HOW TO CREATE LASTING GUEST LOYALTY WITH A MULTI-SENSORY HOTEL EXPERIENCEThe ultimate goal of the guest experience is to create memories that guests want to repeat and share, an objective that’s more important today than ever for a number of reasons. Firstly,...
Restaurant Music – A New Strategy and Perspective
RESTAURANT MUSIC - A NEW STRATEGY & PERSPECTIVEHard work and challenging times sure have a way of making you hungry. And as society grapples with all of the implications of COVID-19 and a difficult 2020, the human spirit is craving great dining experiences like never...
6 pași pentru o semnalizare digitală eficientă a restaurantului
6 pași pentru o semnalizare digitală eficientă a restaurantuluiCând vine vorba de industriile de servicii alimentare, semnalizarea digitală pentru restaurante nu este doar pentru QSR și Fast Casual. De fapt, restaurantele cu servicii complete de toate tipurile și...
7 Ingredients For A Better Restaurant Experience
7 Ingredients For A Better Restaurant ExperienceIf there’s one primary take away from this article, it’s this: The ultimate goal of the restaurant experience is to create memories that customers want to repeat and share.Read it again. Say it out loud. Let it simmer to...
Restaurant On-hold Messaging – 6 Best Practices
RESTAURANT ON-HOLD MESSAGING: 6 BEST PRACTICESWith greater focus on mobile access, delivery apps, online reservations and social media here in the digital age, many restaurants may be overlooking a fundamental tool in their marketing mix: restaurant on-hold...
The 10 Elements of Effective Restaurant Music
THE 10 ELEMENTS OF EFFECTIVE RESTAURANT MUSICEvery restaurant has slightly different needs when it comes to their music solution.That said, no matter what types of music you want to play or what your budget may be, there are some important elements to look for if you...
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